The poem empty is a really powerful poem to me. It says a lot about the daily situations that I go through on a daily basis. I feel like no one understands me or my life. I truly feel that no one is here for mw like they claim they are. No family or any REAL friends. They're here physically but they're basically not there. They claim that they understand and that they are here to help but they aren't! It makes me so angry. I may smile but deep inside I'm as lonely as can be! Just because I smile doesn't actually mean that I'm happy. People are so caught up into their own little world that they don't actually take time out to see what's really going on with  me. They say that FHN is like a home and a family but in all honesty I don't feel that. I've never been so miserable in my life. This place is full of hundreds of people but not one person ever takes the time out of their day to see how I'm doing and if they do I don't feel that it's genuine. No one tries to understand me. Most people wouldn't even know that I cry on an average to 4 days a week because I feel so alone and I'm sure that no one really cares. I honestly feel like an empty soul. When I'm down I want someone to be there to life me up and I've always wanted a shoulder to cry one and someone just to give me a simple hug. People don't know how much a person goes through on a regular basis and just a hi or a hey how are you can make a people's day awesome or bright ya know? No one should dread going to school because they feel lonely and don't really fit in or really have a clique. I honestly feel that way when I go to school. I see everyone else in a group and making plans to go to parties and out to eat on the weekend and I'm just sitting there feeling left out. No one likes feeling empty and ignored. Everyone just pretends that they care. In reality no one does. I honestly think that high school is the worst part of being a teen. I cant wait to just get out of here and stop being miserable. I've never been so miserable ever sense my mom and dad divorced. Back then I used to love going to school and couldn't wait to come. Now I just rather not be here. I feel invisible anyway. Basically in the poem Empty it explains how I feel on a daily basis. The thing is that I'm not even this type of person. If people really cared to be here for me and wanted to understand me they would see that I'm actually fun and funny and very protective of everyone that I care for but due to the fact that no one really cares or at least shows it no one will understand how I feel. That's why I chose this poem.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

