Yet full
Yet able to love with the pieces
Yet colorful
Yet I'm going a hundred miles an hour
But I haven't hit the ground yet
But crowded
But cold
They listen to all my stories
But when I'm serious
They turn their back
They care
But not really
Almost but no
Silent tears
Angry words
Fake smiles
Inside I'm dying
I need to be caught
But no one is there to catch me
No one comes
Why when you need people the most
They leave you
Why when you are the loneliest
The crowd disappears
Why when you need love
There is none left
Why when the smile slips away and the tears come
They turn their back
Why can't it just be simple for once
I need someone to catch me
I need someone to brush away my tears
I need someone to make my smile real
I need someone to be there even when I push them away
I need someone who will stick by my side no matter how much I want to give up
I just need someone
That someone is supposed to be you
You love me right
Well…Prove it

9/27/2015 06:23:21 pm

September, 22 2015
Dear Taylor wood,

My name is Radhiya , I live in Indonesia. I like your poem “Empty” because I was once alone and no one want to play with me. I like your poem because its tells the feelings of sadness so people will know that being empty or alone is hurting their feelings. Your poem is good and can give moral to all people that being alone does not feel good. Your poem tells to all people that alone can make them depressed.
The part that I like from yout poem is I need someone to catch me, I need someone to brush away my tears, I need someone to make my smile real, I need someone to be there even when I push them away, I need someone who will stick by my side no matter how much I want to give up, I just need someone. This poem is connected to my life because since I was in elementary school, I was alone because all of my classmates doesn’t want to play with me because they think that I can’t understand what they are taking about. My comments about the poem is, your poem can make all people become friendly no matter if they are ugly or smelly. Your poem also make me motivated to make a new friends and be active.
Radhiya Nandana


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