This poem brings back memories. What kind ? They weren't good that's for sure. I chose this poem because bullying is something that most likely will happen to everyone in life and it happened to me just last year. It was the worst period of my life. See the thing is to me it's hard to avoid bullying in high school. Sometimes people bully others and may not realize that they're being a bully. It make you feel so low about yourself. Who just wants to be called ugly and fat? on a daily basis? Words hurt and can have the biggest effect on you. Sometimes people don't understand when enough is enough. The sad thing is that sometimes people gang up on you and no one is there to defend you or help you. It makes you not even want to live anymore. No  one wants to go to school just to be tortured. Another thing is that there's more than one kind of bullying and sometimes you feel like it's so hard to escape it. People would take it from school to the internet. Bullying is the worst especially when you don't have a friend there to encourage you . It feels like it's you against the world and like there's no way out. Like what are you to do? Sometimes death seems like the only way to escape. I've been there before I know how it feels and I think that this poem talks for me. Just having a friends by your side can help you get through or even stop the bullying. I think that people need to realize how words can have the biggest effect on others and the longer that you do it the longer that that person's life is in potential danger. Some people have been bullied more than others but the thing is that either way it goes it's not right. Life is so short and we should help people enjoy it while they have it, not end it.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

