It makes me wonder if this was ever meant to be
How could she want that guy and forget about me
She says that he could be the one
But everyone knows she will be hurt when it is done

How could she give up on something so true
Now I sit here and tell myself I can get through
My whole heart still yearns for her
Her love and touch is what I prefer

But that is all gone now
I must move on, but how
Forget about her face, her smile
Allow my feelings to go from love to hostile

It kills me to watch her go
But I can't take being on this depressed plateau
It's time to climb up to the peak
No more sitting around and being weak

I can get over her…
I can get over her…………………………….

Poem 3 Explanation

I chose this poem because another thing that's apart of life are break ups. No matter how much you try to avoid them they're going to happen one way or another. Let's be honest break ups are a horrible thing and they're so hard to get over! Your depressed and confused and sometimes you just don't know what to do without that person because you've been around that person for so long and your not use to them not  being there.. Your so use to talking to that person most likely everyday. The hard thing is trying to erase memories with that person. Its the text, pictures, and the dates that are so hard to get over and not think about. Another thing about break ups is the fact that you thought you loved this person and you gave this person your all and sometimes you feel so hurt because sometimes you find out that they didn't really care as much as you did or they might not even love you !Then you think about all of the time that you've wasted on that person when you could've been with someone else who might actually love you! Then after all of that you try to convince yourself that you can get over that person by saying "I can get over them" when deep inside you really can't. Love is a beautiful thing and everybody wants to find it but your just going to have to face a break up or two. Reading this poem , I felt a connection because when I went through and that's EXACTLY how i felt. I think that's actually how everyone feels. When it comes to this age doesn't matter . I know some adults who dealt and still are dealing with this phase right now. Yes it sucks but it's apart of LIFE.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

