I’d like to think myself as normal,
Just an ordinary girl.
But I’m not into butterflies,
I don’t do ballet twirls.

I hate wearing make-up,
No eye shadow or blush.
I don’t have time in a morning,
As I’m always in a rush.

I don’t wear fancy underwear,
Especially not a thong.
For all the girls who do out there,
I think it’s kind of wrong.

I don’t spend hours on the phone,
Just simply chatting away.
I only need to take five minutes,
On my hair everyday.

My room is not spotless,
My room is not a tip.
I don’t put powder on my nose,
I don’t give teachers lip.

I don’t go after every boy,
That I come across.
I don’t think I’m better than everyone,
Don’t think that I’m the boss.

I don’t walk with my breasts,
Held high up in the air.
I don’t try to shake my bottom,
Or twirl and flick my hair.

I just want to get through,
These taunting years of school.
I don’t care what you think of me,
I don’t care if I’m not ‘cool’.

And I do have a good time,
A laugh with all my friends.
I balance it with learning,
This is my beginning, not my end.

Poem 4 Explanation

The reason as to why I chose to read "Just A Normal Girl" is because in life well your high school life, your not going to always fit in with the cooler kids or be very popular and that you don't need to be in order to have fun in high school. People try to buy the latest things and clothes and dr The thing about that is that some kids feel sad and depressed because they're not cool and don't get to go to the cool parties.What I like about this poem is that she is okay with high school and not being the 'it' girl and wearing a ton of make up and the push up bras and having a hundred of guys drool over her and she's not worried about being out and about and sleeping around like a lot of high school girls in this generation. Also, she doesn't care about being friends with the popular kids she's satisfied with the normal friends that she has. She's more concerned about her education and just getting through high school because she knows that she doesn't have to spend her whole there. She knows that there's more to come and that the people that are cool are so temporary and most likely those same people aren't even going to be cool when they get to college. She's just a happy hopeful girl who doesn't let high school or the people bother her or depress her she's taking it like a champ in my opinion. Another reason as to why I'm attracted to this poem is because it encourages me because I'm not popular at all and guys definitely don't like me at school and it really bothers me. I let these people get to me to the max and I always forget that I'm not here for them, I'm here to get education and then leave! Then once I leave I don't have to see these people ever again unless it's on Instagram or Twitter. Everyone goes through this type of situation in high school at some point, and if not your lucky. 

Mikyla Williams
3/25/2015 10:58:09 pm

I really love this poem. It so easy to remember it.

Leanne Blount
8/12/2017 11:32:13 am

I am so glad you chose to read my poem, and that you liked it!!!

Feel free to follow me on instagram, user mrs_swagglestone, I'd love to hear from you!


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

