Which life shall I follow?
What path should I take?
Should I go left or right?
And make the same mistakes.
Like I've done in the past.
Or should I move far away and start over again?
Because I'm a senior in high school and knew too much about the game.
The Lifestyle? The People? and even about the Money?
For me it all has to change.
So what do I do.
Because I've made big mistakes.
It's either this way or that way.
What more can I say?
I guess what ever comes down to it...
I'm going to change and make my grandma proud because she's up in heaven
With all the other angels like family members
I have lost in the past 8 years for goodness sakes
So I guess I am going to change
But not for my own good
But for someone who always counted on me
No matter what mistakes I’ve made
Because in the end
I got a whole team up in heaven
Who want to see me make it
And when I hit that ball over the fence
You know I didn’t do it for me
But for the loved ones
We miss very truly

Poem 5 explanation

Growing up is apart of life, we all have to do it. Sometimes your so unprepared and it comes up so quick ! I honestly cab relate to this poem because I am a senior and now I have to think about life in different ways and I have to make life changing decisions that I never once thought about. I have to start making adult choices and actually grow up and change my life style. Lets be honest a lot of high school kids rely on their parents for a lot. Some kid's parents still wake  them up in the morning and still make their lunch. Some high school kids still don't have a job so they go out and party everyday instead. When your about to graduate life is going to hit you and its going to be a wake up call to how life actually works. In this poem you can clearly see that this high school senior is slightly horrified and is worried about the mistakes she's made and if she's going to go anywhere when she graduate. It is the most stressful point in life like you have figure out how to make a living, what college your going to, where are you going to live, and  what college your going to is a lot to stress about. You can't do the things that you used to do in high school and in all honesty no teen is ready to give that up. It's nerve wrecking to live without your parents and not having them yelling at you about your mistakes and telling you right from wrong, now you have to go out in the world and figure out on your own. Like what if you make a mistake and it ruins your life ?! Your parents aren't always going to be there to bail you out or back you up. Another thing is that most of your friends are planning to go to different colleges or maybe even a different state then you so what do you do? When you graduate your still pressured to do good even though you may not live with them. You also have pressure from the ones that aren't here physically because you know that if they were here they would want to be proud of you as well.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

