You should know , that bullying hurts.
It starts with one word, one word that you blurt.
Fat, Ugly, worthless. These are words that they hear.
Did you know, your their biggest fear?
Day by day you torment them,
It takes so long for their hearts to mend.
All they ask for is a true friend,
But you make them want their lives to end.
Everyday they wake up with regret,
All they want you to do is forget.
It's not just hitting and punching, it's the words you say
They hurt so much, they want to fade away.
This is when enough is enough,
They're sick of playing strong, sick of playing tough.
But they know that they can make it through,
You may not have known, but they always knew.
They put on a fake smile and pretend they're okay,
They believe they can make it all the way
Of course your words still offend,
But they have been pieced back together again.
Someone leaves the crowd and lends them a hand,
They learn that it's time to stand.
Their smile is no longer fake,
Now they have no reason to ache.
You see, all they ever needed was a friend,
Someone to stand by them when the bullying came
Now they are free,
The insults barely sting, don't you see?
The bully is never wanted, unless wanted to leave,
The person you bullied now has no need for long sleeves.
Your work here is done, not that it should've started,
Now who's the one who feel's broken hearted.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

