So far in the book 17 and gone your introduced to girls who have gone missing. It explains that girls go missing everyday whether its actually by running away or abduction during the night. Anyway there's a list of girls that have gone missing but so far the only one I know about is Abigail Sinclair. she went missing on September 2nd and she was last seen riding a red bike. The main character Lauren is interested in finding out what had happened to her. As she is driving she see's her missing poster and stops her car in the middle of the street and goes and gets it. A day later she stops in the senior parking lot and she see's the ghost of Abby. They start to communicate with each other and lauren starts to learn how she disappeared.  So far I'm very pleased with the book. I've always been interested in why and how teenage girls disappear. I feel really connected due to the fact that they're the same age as me.