So I'm finally done with this book and all I can say is wow. The fact that this so likely to happen just blows my mind. I don't like reading honestly but like its a thriller it'll keep you interested. Ok so basically the main character Lauren is so determined to find out what happened to these missing young 17 year old girls. he scary thing is that she goes to locations where the girls where seen and the missing girls communicates with her and they interfere with her life until she finds out what actually happened to them. That creeps me out!! why ? well because I feel like that's actually possible. Like yeah many people don't really believe that that kind of stuff is possible but I honestly  feel like it really is. It kind of reminds me of paranormal activity stuff like you know when people communicate with the dead and the dead leads them to solving how they died or disappeared. Maybe it's just me but I find that so interesting and maybe that's why I'm so drawn to this book. This book would be great for teen girls and also for parents. For teen girls because I know we all can relate. We've all had a time when we felt like we wanted to run away. Reason's may vary but still many teen girls has had that cross their mind before. It would be good for older parents because they could understand from a younger person's point of view with certain situations and how to understand they think. I highly recommend this book it'll keep your interested not one chapter will leave you in a snooze.
so it's been 4 chapters since I've last made a blog and I must say that I'm completely amazed. Everything about these past chapters has me glued. Maybe I'm just glued because of the fact that I'm so interested in teen age disappearance. Anyway my thoughts on what's happening is just bewilderment. it's good because it makes you more aware on how things can happen to teenage girls but then again it makes you think that  it can happen to you at any time and at any place. It kind of makes you worry about people close to you like what if it happens to them. it's just bad to think about but the thing is, that's what keeps you reading . You want to know more about it. For that reason you just can't stop reading. Reading this just makes you think. It makes you think about the family. Like a mother's child is GONE. and five times out of ten they won't come back. Think about it, you spent months carrying them and then you raised them for many years of your life. Imagine that being taken from you or just not having that gone! It's just so scary to think about and before I even read these past chapters I have honestly never thought about it.  I don't know just reading this makes you look at life differently. It makes you a lot more cautious about what could happen to you. It's also scary to think of the dirty and harmful things that a human can do onto someone else. The sick thing is that people can kidnap you and not care what so ever. They don't care about you or your family. its just crazy to think about .
These past couple of chapters have been just so creepy. They make you want to take a second and just think about life. I don't know iv'e never thought so much while reading. It makes you think of a lot of what if's . Like all of this stuff is so likely to happen you know and makes you feel some type of way that I cant explain. I haven't been so connected to a book since ready 1000 splendid suns. Anyway when a person goes missing its like you want to help. It makes you just think of ways that you can bring that person home. Another thing is when a person goes missing you don't know if it's by force or they actually run away. It's just happened to be that in this book at this point they don't think Abby is missing they think it could be possible that she ran away. It's so common for teens to run away. It's weird because when I was having problems with family I thought about doing the same thing and almost went through with it. life at home is soooo hard sometimes and at some point running away just seems so easy. You just want to run away from the problems. Reading this it also said that young girls might run away to be with someone who they think their in love with. Which if you think about it, it's pretty normal. Sometimes the parent just wont approve of the relationship and the child just feels like running away is their only option. I don't know just this book is surprisingly amazing 
Since last reading 17 and Gone a lot has happened. Lauren is starting to learn a lot about the missing female Abby. She's starting to learn more details about what actually happened.  She feels like she can making a connection with what could possibly be the dead. reading over these past couple of chapters and  I'm starting to feel like this can actually happen in real life. I've started to think about it and there are actually people who believe that somehow they can make a connection with the dead and actually find out and solve how the person died. They say that they have  visions out of the blue and they feel that the missing person is trying to tell them something. Honestly I feel like that kind of stuff is possible.   When stuff like that does occur its seems very hard to ignore. Ever since the past couple of chapters I've been really connected. The fact that this is something very realistic, it pulls you in and makes you want to read more and more. Yes this book is fiction but its actually realistic and it makes you want to research and investigate  missing cases that are current now. You hear about a missing person every other day but this book makes you just sit back and put more time into It and just think about things that would never cross your mind on a regular basis. I'm enjoying this book so far. There's never a dull moment. It's somewhat like a mystery that keeps you wondering.