So I'm finally done with this book and all I can say is wow. The fact that this so likely to happen just blows my mind. I don't like reading honestly but like its a thriller it'll keep you interested. Ok so basically the main character Lauren is so determined to find out what happened to these missing young 17 year old girls. he scary thing is that she goes to locations where the girls where seen and the missing girls communicates with her and they interfere with her life until she finds out what actually happened to them. That creeps me out!! why ? well because I feel like that's actually possible. Like yeah many people don't really believe that that kind of stuff is possible but I honestly  feel like it really is. It kind of reminds me of paranormal activity stuff like you know when people communicate with the dead and the dead leads them to solving how they died or disappeared. Maybe it's just me but I find that so interesting and maybe that's why I'm so drawn to this book. This book would be great for teen girls and also for parents. For teen girls because I know we all can relate. We've all had a time when we felt like we wanted to run away. Reason's may vary but still many teen girls has had that cross their mind before. It would be good for older parents because they could understand from a younger person's point of view with certain situations and how to understand they think. I highly recommend this book it'll keep your interested not one chapter will leave you in a snooze.

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