so it's been 4 chapters since I've last made a blog and I must say that I'm completely amazed. Everything about these past chapters has me glued. Maybe I'm just glued because of the fact that I'm so interested in teen age disappearance. Anyway my thoughts on what's happening is just bewilderment. it's good because it makes you more aware on how things can happen to teenage girls but then again it makes you think that  it can happen to you at any time and at any place. It kind of makes you worry about people close to you like what if it happens to them. it's just bad to think about but the thing is, that's what keeps you reading . You want to know more about it. For that reason you just can't stop reading. Reading this just makes you think. It makes you think about the family. Like a mother's child is GONE. and five times out of ten they won't come back. Think about it, you spent months carrying them and then you raised them for many years of your life. Imagine that being taken from you or just not having that gone! It's just so scary to think about and before I even read these past chapters I have honestly never thought about it.  I don't know just reading this makes you look at life differently. It makes you a lot more cautious about what could happen to you. It's also scary to think of the dirty and harmful things that a human can do onto someone else. The sick thing is that people can kidnap you and not care what so ever. They don't care about you or your family. its just crazy to think about .

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