Since last reading 17 and Gone a lot has happened. Lauren is starting to learn a lot about the missing female Abby. She's starting to learn more details about what actually happened.  She feels like she can making a connection with what could possibly be the dead. reading over these past couple of chapters and  I'm starting to feel like this can actually happen in real life. I've started to think about it and there are actually people who believe that somehow they can make a connection with the dead and actually find out and solve how the person died. They say that they have  visions out of the blue and they feel that the missing person is trying to tell them something. Honestly I feel like that kind of stuff is possible.   When stuff like that does occur its seems very hard to ignore. Ever since the past couple of chapters I've been really connected. The fact that this is something very realistic, it pulls you in and makes you want to read more and more. Yes this book is fiction but its actually realistic and it makes you want to research and investigate  missing cases that are current now. You hear about a missing person every other day but this book makes you just sit back and put more time into It and just think about things that would never cross your mind on a regular basis. I'm enjoying this book so far. There's never a dull moment. It's somewhat like a mystery that keeps you wondering.

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