These past couple of chapters have been just so creepy. They make you want to take a second and just think about life. I don't know iv'e never thought so much while reading. It makes you think of a lot of what if's . Like all of this stuff is so likely to happen you know and makes you feel some type of way that I cant explain. I haven't been so connected to a book since ready 1000 splendid suns. Anyway when a person goes missing its like you want to help. It makes you just think of ways that you can bring that person home. Another thing is when a person goes missing you don't know if it's by force or they actually run away. It's just happened to be that in this book at this point they don't think Abby is missing they think it could be possible that she ran away. It's so common for teens to run away. It's weird because when I was having problems with family I thought about doing the same thing and almost went through with it. life at home is soooo hard sometimes and at some point running away just seems so easy. You just want to run away from the problems. Reading this it also said that young girls might run away to be with someone who they think their in love with. Which if you think about it, it's pretty normal. Sometimes the parent just wont approve of the relationship and the child just feels like running away is their only option. I don't know just this book is surprisingly amazing 

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