Which life shall I follow?
What path should I take?
Should I go left or right?
And make the same mistakes.
Like I've done in the past.
Or should I move far away and start over again?
Because I'm a senior in high school and knew too much about the game.
The Lifestyle? The People? and even about the Money?
For me it all has to change.
So what do I do.
Because I've made big mistakes.
It's either this way or that way.
What more can I say?
I guess what ever comes down to it...
I'm going to change and make my grandma proud because she's up in heaven
With all the other angels like family members
I have lost in the past 8 years for goodness sakes
So I guess I am going to change
But not for my own good
But for someone who always counted on me
No matter what mistakes I’ve made
Because in the end
I got a whole team up in heaven
Who want to see me make it
And when I hit that ball over the fence
You know I didn’t do it for me
But for the loved ones
We miss very truly

Poem 5 explanation

Growing up is apart of life, we all have to do it. Sometimes your so unprepared and it comes up so quick ! I honestly cab relate to this poem because I am a senior and now I have to think about life in different ways and I have to make life changing decisions that I never once thought about. I have to start making adult choices and actually grow up and change my life style. Lets be honest a lot of high school kids rely on their parents for a lot. Some kid's parents still wake  them up in the morning and still make their lunch. Some high school kids still don't have a job so they go out and party everyday instead. When your about to graduate life is going to hit you and its going to be a wake up call to how life actually works. In this poem you can clearly see that this high school senior is slightly horrified and is worried about the mistakes she's made and if she's going to go anywhere when she graduate. It is the most stressful point in life like you have figure out how to make a living, what college your going to, where are you going to live, and  what college your going to is a lot to stress about. You can't do the things that you used to do in high school and in all honesty no teen is ready to give that up. It's nerve wrecking to live without your parents and not having them yelling at you about your mistakes and telling you right from wrong, now you have to go out in the world and figure out on your own. Like what if you make a mistake and it ruins your life ?! Your parents aren't always going to be there to bail you out or back you up. Another thing is that most of your friends are planning to go to different colleges or maybe even a different state then you so what do you do? When you graduate your still pressured to do good even though you may not live with them. You also have pressure from the ones that aren't here physically because you know that if they were here they would want to be proud of you as well.


I’d like to think myself as normal,
Just an ordinary girl.
But I’m not into butterflies,
I don’t do ballet twirls.

I hate wearing make-up,
No eye shadow or blush.
I don’t have time in a morning,
As I’m always in a rush.

I don’t wear fancy underwear,
Especially not a thong.
For all the girls who do out there,
I think it’s kind of wrong.

I don’t spend hours on the phone,
Just simply chatting away.
I only need to take five minutes,
On my hair everyday.

My room is not spotless,
My room is not a tip.
I don’t put powder on my nose,
I don’t give teachers lip.

I don’t go after every boy,
That I come across.
I don’t think I’m better than everyone,
Don’t think that I’m the boss.

I don’t walk with my breasts,
Held high up in the air.
I don’t try to shake my bottom,
Or twirl and flick my hair.

I just want to get through,
These taunting years of school.
I don’t care what you think of me,
I don’t care if I’m not ‘cool’.

And I do have a good time,
A laugh with all my friends.
I balance it with learning,
This is my beginning, not my end.

Poem 4 Explanation

The reason as to why I chose to read "Just A Normal Girl" is because in life well your high school life, your not going to always fit in with the cooler kids or be very popular and that you don't need to be in order to have fun in high school. People try to buy the latest things and clothes and dr The thing about that is that some kids feel sad and depressed because they're not cool and don't get to go to the cool parties.What I like about this poem is that she is okay with high school and not being the 'it' girl and wearing a ton of make up and the push up bras and having a hundred of guys drool over her and she's not worried about being out and about and sleeping around like a lot of high school girls in this generation. Also, she doesn't care about being friends with the popular kids she's satisfied with the normal friends that she has. She's more concerned about her education and just getting through high school because she knows that she doesn't have to spend her whole there. She knows that there's more to come and that the people that are cool are so temporary and most likely those same people aren't even going to be cool when they get to college. She's just a happy hopeful girl who doesn't let high school or the people bother her or depress her she's taking it like a champ in my opinion. Another reason as to why I'm attracted to this poem is because it encourages me because I'm not popular at all and guys definitely don't like me at school and it really bothers me. I let these people get to me to the max and I always forget that I'm not here for them, I'm here to get education and then leave! Then once I leave I don't have to see these people ever again unless it's on Instagram or Twitter. Everyone goes through this type of situation in high school at some point, and if not your lucky. 

It makes me wonder if this was ever meant to be
How could she want that guy and forget about me
She says that he could be the one
But everyone knows she will be hurt when it is done

How could she give up on something so true
Now I sit here and tell myself I can get through
My whole heart still yearns for her
Her love and touch is what I prefer

But that is all gone now
I must move on, but how
Forget about her face, her smile
Allow my feelings to go from love to hostile

It kills me to watch her go
But I can't take being on this depressed plateau
It's time to climb up to the peak
No more sitting around and being weak

I can get over her…
I can get over her…………………………….

Poem 3 Explanation

I chose this poem because another thing that's apart of life are break ups. No matter how much you try to avoid them they're going to happen one way or another. Let's be honest break ups are a horrible thing and they're so hard to get over! Your depressed and confused and sometimes you just don't know what to do without that person because you've been around that person for so long and your not use to them not  being there.. Your so use to talking to that person most likely everyday. The hard thing is trying to erase memories with that person. Its the text, pictures, and the dates that are so hard to get over and not think about. Another thing about break ups is the fact that you thought you loved this person and you gave this person your all and sometimes you feel so hurt because sometimes you find out that they didn't really care as much as you did or they might not even love you !Then you think about all of the time that you've wasted on that person when you could've been with someone else who might actually love you! Then after all of that you try to convince yourself that you can get over that person by saying "I can get over them" when deep inside you really can't. Love is a beautiful thing and everybody wants to find it but your just going to have to face a break up or two. Reading this poem , I felt a connection because when I went through and that's EXACTLY how i felt. I think that's actually how everyone feels. When it comes to this age doesn't matter . I know some adults who dealt and still are dealing with this phase right now. Yes it sucks but it's apart of LIFE.

This poem brings back memories. What kind ? They weren't good that's for sure. I chose this poem because bullying is something that most likely will happen to everyone in life and it happened to me just last year. It was the worst period of my life. See the thing is to me it's hard to avoid bullying in high school. Sometimes people bully others and may not realize that they're being a bully. It make you feel so low about yourself. Who just wants to be called ugly and fat? on a daily basis? Words hurt and can have the biggest effect on you. Sometimes people don't understand when enough is enough. The sad thing is that sometimes people gang up on you and no one is there to defend you or help you. It makes you not even want to live anymore. No  one wants to go to school just to be tortured. Another thing is that there's more than one kind of bullying and sometimes you feel like it's so hard to escape it. People would take it from school to the internet. Bullying is the worst especially when you don't have a friend there to encourage you . It feels like it's you against the world and like there's no way out. Like what are you to do? Sometimes death seems like the only way to escape. I've been there before I know how it feels and I think that this poem talks for me. Just having a friends by your side can help you get through or even stop the bullying. I think that people need to realize how words can have the biggest effect on others and the longer that you do it the longer that that person's life is in potential danger. Some people have been bullied more than others but the thing is that either way it goes it's not right. Life is so short and we should help people enjoy it while they have it, not end it.
You should know , that bullying hurts.
It starts with one word, one word that you blurt.
Fat, Ugly, worthless. These are words that they hear.
Did you know, your their biggest fear?
Day by day you torment them,
It takes so long for their hearts to mend.
All they ask for is a true friend,
But you make them want their lives to end.
Everyday they wake up with regret,
All they want you to do is forget.
It's not just hitting and punching, it's the words you say
They hurt so much, they want to fade away.
This is when enough is enough,
They're sick of playing strong, sick of playing tough.
But they know that they can make it through,
You may not have known, but they always knew.
They put on a fake smile and pretend they're okay,
They believe they can make it all the way
Of course your words still offend,
But they have been pieced back together again.
Someone leaves the crowd and lends them a hand,
They learn that it's time to stand.
Their smile is no longer fake,
Now they have no reason to ache.
You see, all they ever needed was a friend,
Someone to stand by them when the bullying came
Now they are free,
The insults barely sting, don't you see?
The bully is never wanted, unless wanted to leave,
The person you bullied now has no need for long sleeves.
Your work here is done, not that it should've started,
Now who's the one who feel's broken hearted.
The poem empty is a really powerful poem to me. It says a lot about the daily situations that I go through on a daily basis. I feel like no one understands me or my life. I truly feel that no one is here for mw like they claim they are. No family or any REAL friends. They're here physically but they're basically not there. They claim that they understand and that they are here to help but they aren't! It makes me so angry. I may smile but deep inside I'm as lonely as can be! Just because I smile doesn't actually mean that I'm happy. People are so caught up into their own little world that they don't actually take time out to see what's really going on with  me. They say that FHN is like a home and a family but in all honesty I don't feel that. I've never been so miserable in my life. This place is full of hundreds of people but not one person ever takes the time out of their day to see how I'm doing and if they do I don't feel that it's genuine. No one tries to understand me. Most people wouldn't even know that I cry on an average to 4 days a week because I feel so alone and I'm sure that no one really cares. I honestly feel like an empty soul. When I'm down I want someone to be there to life me up and I've always wanted a shoulder to cry one and someone just to give me a simple hug. People don't know how much a person goes through on a regular basis and just a hi or a hey how are you can make a people's day awesome or bright ya know? No one should dread going to school because they feel lonely and don't really fit in or really have a clique. I honestly feel that way when I go to school. I see everyone else in a group and making plans to go to parties and out to eat on the weekend and I'm just sitting there feeling left out. No one likes feeling empty and ignored. Everyone just pretends that they care. In reality no one does. I honestly think that high school is the worst part of being a teen. I cant wait to just get out of here and stop being miserable. I've never been so miserable ever sense my mom and dad divorced. Back then I used to love going to school and couldn't wait to come. Now I just rather not be here. I feel invisible anyway. Basically in the poem Empty it explains how I feel on a daily basis. The thing is that I'm not even this type of person. If people really cared to be here for me and wanted to understand me they would see that I'm actually fun and funny and very protective of everyone that I care for but due to the fact that no one really cares or at least shows it no one will understand how I feel. That's why I chose this poem.
Yet full
Yet able to love with the pieces
Yet colorful
Yet I'm going a hundred miles an hour
But I haven't hit the ground yet
But crowded
But cold
They listen to all my stories
But when I'm serious
They turn their back
They care
But not really
Almost but no
Silent tears
Angry words
Fake smiles
Inside I'm dying
I need to be caught
But no one is there to catch me
No one comes
Why when you need people the most
They leave you
Why when you are the loneliest
The crowd disappears
Why when you need love
There is none left
Why when the smile slips away and the tears come
They turn their back
Why can't it just be simple for once
I need someone to catch me
I need someone to brush away my tears
I need someone to make my smile real
I need someone to be there even when I push them away
I need someone who will stick by my side no matter how much I want to give up
I just need someone
That someone is supposed to be you
You love me right
Well…Prove it


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

